You are invited to the launch of my memoir!
Fifth Avenue Press Ann Arbor, Michigan Celebrates the release of five books! Sunday, May 5th, 1-3pm @ The Downtown Library Almost Lost:...
There's More to Writing a Book than just Writing a Book!
It’s been a while, (November of 2017 actually) since I last wrote a blog post. For a long time now, I’ve been reading memoirs. Many were...
Courage, Gratitude and Hope
Life has a way of reminding me about what’s important. My dear friend, Nancy Wolford died on October 7, 2017. Her life, and particularly...
My Grandmother Pauline
My Grandmother Pauline Lennhoff-Löwenhardt with her nine sons who fought in World War I My father is just left of the top and my Uncle...
Kudos and deep gratitude to all the wonderful people who have helped with my book!
During the past five years as I have labored to complete a draft of my memoir, I have had help from numerous people. First of all, I want...
Sewing a Life
Recently I happened to read a couple of poems about sewing and they always remind me of my Mama who taught me to sew when I was a young...
A New Adventure:
Designing an author website and blog is a brand-new adventure for me. My talented and patient assistant in this process has been Ryan...