Kudos and deep gratitude to all the wonderful people who have helped with my book!
During the past five years as I have labored to complete a draft of my memoir, I have had help from numerous people. First of all, I want to acknowledge my Dutch cousin, John Lowenhardt of Haarlem. His dedicated and untiring research into our Loewenhardt family tree has uncovered the stories of many members of our family who perished in the Holocaust. I have used some of his research for chapters in my memoir and he has graciously read and critiqued them.
One of the first friends who stepped forward and copy-edited early drafts of Part I of my memoir was Patricia Lay Dorsey. I send her my deep gratitude. She encouraged me to continue writing, and let me know I had a great story to tell when I most needed it.
I also send my deepest gratitude to my writer's group. We meet several times a month to critique each other's writing. Jas Obrecht, faculty member of the English department at Washtenaw Community College, adds immeasurably to my work with his sharp editing eye and suggestions for revision.
I took his memoir writing class in 2012 and it led to the formation of this writer's group which meets at his home. Members of the group have read many chapters as I brought them to our meetings for critique. They include; Diane Clark, Rosalie Denenfeld, Diane Laboda, Nancy Nelson, Lori Tucker Sullivan, Helena Solano, Ira Fried, Walter Debler, Janet Kavanaugh and Janie Paul. Their help and feedback has been invaluable. Others who have read chapters and given their valuable comments are Joan Tinkess, Rosa Tinetti, Carolyn Arbour-Dokuchic, Janice Fialka, Martha Spencer, Joan Burleigh, and Lucy Young, My deep, loving gratitude to all of you.